The development of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine is manifested by pain in the back and legs, fatigue and poor posture. The causes of this pathology can be very different, so treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis should be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor. In advanced cases, the disease leads to severe impairments, as a result of which a person can become disabled. Degenerative disease with this type of osteochondrosis is fixed at the level of the L1 S1, L2-L3, L3 S1 vertebrae and in the L5 S1 disc area.

Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine is a dangerous disease of the musculoskeletal system that can lead to disability.
The main causes of damage to the lumbar vertebrae
Lumbar osteochondrosis appears due to the influence of such pathological factors on the body:
- uneven load on the spine;
- low physical activity, sedentary work;
- hard work associated with heavy loads;
- genetic predisposition, in which the pathology is diagnosed even in a child;
- flat feet;
- excess weight;
- infectious and inflammatory diseases.
Symptoms of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine
The degenerative process in the lumbar region causes acute pain in the lower back in men and women, which radiates to the leg along the location of the sciatic nerve. Signs of lumbar osteochondrosis do not manifest themselves for a long time; a feeling of discomfort and swelling occurs already in stages 2-3;In the later stages of the disease, symptoms are bothersome when coughing, sneezing, and doing little physical activity. The pathology also causes radicular syndrome:
- shooting, sharp pain occurs in the lumbar region;
- skin sensitivity is impaired in the lower extremities;
- worried about muscle weakness;
- tingling appears in the legs and knee joint;
- sweating is impaired.

The main symptom of lumbar osteochondrosis is pain in the lower part of the spine.
A degenerative disease involves limited mobility, difficulty attempting to bend over, and pain with minimal effort. If treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis is not started timely, serious consequences develop, including deformation of the intervertebral disc, protrusion and the appearance of a hernia. These disorders can only be treated surgically, because conservative therapy does not help.
Degrees of pathology
1st degree
The internal layer of the fibrous ring is covered with cracks, through which the nucleus pulposus begins to emerge. As it passes outward, the nerve fibers are irritated. A person feels how his back hurts at the lumbar level with minimal loads. At stage 1, pain from osteochondrosis is often stable, but low back pain can be bothersome. The symptoms disappear after rest and then no longer bother for a long time.
2nd degree
When the 2nd period of pathology begins, the intervertebral space decreases, the nerve fibers are pinched more strongly, the pain becomes severe, pseudospondylolisthesis and left-sided scoliosis develop. The fibrous ring is destroyed more actively. 2nd degree osteochondrosis of the popula is characterized by pathological mobility of the spine. Due to the increased load, a person is thrown into the cold, then into the heat. The symptoms become pronounced and cannot be ignored. The attacks become longer each time and the pain cannot be relieved with the usual painkillers.
3rd degree
The course of third-degree osteochondrosis of the lumbar region is characterized by increased pain, deformation of the spine and reactive growth of bone tissue. The annulus fibrosus ruptures and the nucleus pulposus leaves its confines, causing a hernia. If treatment is not started in stage 3 of development, the patient risks becoming disabled.
4th degree

Grade 4 osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine does not allow a person to walk due to severe pain.
A complete deformation of the spine occurs, pain in the legs and back becomes unbearable, and the person cannot move independently. If you do not start treating chondrosis at the 4th stage of development, disc protrusion occurs, which can only be treated surgically. After surgery, the patient's health is not always fully restored.
When you are concerned about the signs of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, you need to visit a doctor. At the first visit, the doctor will palpate the coccyx, the iliac crest area, and will also determine the manifestation of the following syndromes:
- development of scoliosis, kyphosis and osteoarthritis;
- pain in specific points;
- inability to perform certain movements;
- the level of position of the gluteal folds, which can be right or left.
An x-ray is taken which photographs the affected area. In the image the lumbar region appears deformed; in advanced stages, bumps are visible on the right or left. For a more detailed diagnosis, a CT scan or MRI is prescribed, thanks to which the doctor will receive the results as soon as possible and select the optimal treatment methods.
How is the treatment carried out?

Medicines and surgery
The choice of treatment method for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine depends on the degree of the disease.
Chronic lumbar osteochondrosis must be treated comprehensively. This means that self-medication is unacceptable. The treatment protocol should be determined by the doctor, who will select the necessary drugs that have minimal side effects. The treatment regimen involves the use of:
- analgesics;
- non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
- muscle relaxants.
First aid involves the use of injection blocks, which relieve pain, relieve swelling and temperature of the affected area. The acute stage, in which the pain syndrome is pronounced, is treated with powerful painkillers. As an auxiliary therapy, it is recommended to treat with local agents: ointments, gels and creams. If conservative treatment does not help or the disease is diagnosed at an advanced stage, surgical therapy is prescribed. When hernias form, they are completely removed. Thus the compression of nerve fibers and blood vessels is eliminated. If necessary, the affected vertebra is removed and an implant is inserted in its place.
Massage and manual therapy
A course of therapeutic massage will help reduce pain and relieve the symptoms of lumbar osteochondrosis in women and men. Children who suffer from this disorder also undergo this therapy, but the main condition is that the procedure is performed by an expert chiropractor who is aware of the diagnosis, otherwise complications could arise.
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Therapeutic exercises
Restorative gymnastics will help normalize blood circulation in the affected lumbar region and strengthen the muscles surrounding the spine. It is important to carefully perform movements with osteochondrosis, try not to overexert yourself. It is advisable that the first exercises are performed under the supervision of a trainer who, if necessary, will help correct the movement at the right time.
Physiotherapy and acupuncture
One of the effective types of physiotherapeutic procedures is considered to be amplipulse, when modulated current pulses are sent to the affected areas. Thanks to this effect it is possible to reduce inflammation, relieve swelling and reduce pain. Acupuncture has an equally pronounced effect: it relieves muscle tension, relieves symptoms and accelerates tissue regeneration.
If lumbar osteochondrosis is diagnosed, you cannot do without gentle nutrition. It is advisable to enrich the menu with products containing calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc and folic acid. It is important to maintain a drinking regime and drink at least 6 tablespoons a day. waterfall. You should abandon bad habits and a sedentary lifestyle.
Dangerous consequences and their prevention
Prevention of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine includes physical therapy, a healthy diet and abandonment of bad habits.
If incipient lumbar osteochondrosis is diagnosed in a timely manner, the ailment can be cured using a course of drug therapy and performing special exercises. Otherwise there is a risk of developing intervertebral hernias, sciatica, arthrosis, paresis and other spinal disorders that can make the patient disabled. For treatment to be effective, it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner. As a preventive measure, it is recommended to perform spinal traction, control posture, strengthen muscles and evenly distribute the load. In addition, you should exercise, watch your diet and drink at least 6-8 tablespoons. water per day. At the first symptoms do not self-medicate, but contact your doctor and strictly follow the prescribed therapeutic regime.